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30 Research Questions

 30 Research Questions for my Topic

The List below will be my research questions that I will try to figure out.

If you feel interested to my topic, please stay tuned!

  1. What is religious discrimination?
  2. What are some common forms of religious discrimination?
  3. How does religious discrimination affect individuals and communities?
  4. What legal protections exist against religious discrimination in your country?
  5. Are there any recent high-profile cases of religious discrimination that have garnered public attention?
  6. How does religious discrimination intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as racial or gender discrimination?
  7. What are some historical examples of religious discrimination?
  8. Are there any religious groups that are particularly vulnerable to discrimination?
  9. What are some ways in which religious discrimination can manifest in the workplace?
  10. How does religious discrimination impact access to education and healthcare?
  11. How can religious discrimination affect the mental health of individuals?
  12. Are there any international treaties or conventions that address religious discrimination?
  13. How do religious freedom and religious discrimination differ?
  14. Are there any religious practices that have been stigmatized or discriminated against?
  15. What steps can individuals take to combat religious discrimination?
  16. How can religious institutions contribute to reducing religious discrimination?
  17. Is religious discrimination more prevalent in urban or rural areas?
  18. Are there any specific stereotypes or misconceptions that contribute to religious discrimination?
  19. How do media and popular culture influence perceptions of religious groups?
  20. What role does education play in combating religious discrimination?
  21. Are there any countries or regions known for religious intolerance or discrimination?
  22. How does religious discrimination impact the refugee and immigrant populations?
  23. Are there any economic consequences associated with religious discrimination?
  24. What are some proactive measures organizations can take to prevent religious discrimination in the workplace?
  25. How does religious discrimination impact freedom of expression and freedom of speech?
  26. What are some examples of religious discrimination in the criminal justice system?
  27. Are there any religious texts or doctrines that can be misinterpreted to promote discrimination?
  28. How does religious discrimination affect religious pluralism and social cohesion?
  29. How do religious discrimination laws differ across various countries?
  30. What are some ongoing efforts by governments, NGOs, and religious organizations to combat religious discrimination?


  1. These are all good questions and entire books could be written about some of them. Particularly the question "How does religious discrimination impact the refugee and immigrant populations?" is not one that gets addressed a lot and considering how many refugees there are in the world today, it's an important issue.


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